
  1. 大會只負責提供從已選定亞洲國家名單的港口往返香港的經濟客位機票。機票補貼上限為1,000美元,以大會得到最便宜的行程安排方式為準。大會提供的機票和住宿不可轉讓或兌換現金。
  2. 大會保留更改或取消得獎者行程安排之權利,而無須承擔任何賠償或預先通知的責任。
  3. 住宿的地點將由大會提供,參加者可能會共用房間。
  4. 所有參賽之社企意念均有機會於本活動網頁及其他媒體發佈,與公眾分享創意成果。
  5. 所有成功入圍的參賽者必須同意分享該社企意念的內容,以作大賽宣傳用途。
  6. 香港社會創投基金保留活動最終解釋及修訂上述條款及細則的權利。
  7. We provide return air tickets to Finalists selected from the following list of qualified Asian countries/cities, subject to the addition or removal of countries at the sole discretion of SVhk: Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Burma, Cambodia, China, East Timor, India, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam. If your country is not listed, please contact us for further enquiries.
  8. The Organizer has the right to arrange for, change or cancel the travel plans of the winner without prior notice or compensation.
  9. Accommodation is arranged at the sole discretion of the Organizer and rooms may be shared.
  10. All participating proposals may be published on the Award website or any other media, to share with the public.
  11. If selected, finalist must agree to share information and materials for marketing purposes
  12. Social Ventures Hong Kong reserves the final right to interpret and amend such terms and conditions of the Award.

立即行動! 離報名截止日期: